According to the World Trade Organisation international trade, as measured as a percentage of global GDP, rose from 39% in 2000 to 50% in 2013. Consequently, not only has the value and level of economic activity been supported by international trade, but that trade has become complex and fragmented with the rise of global value chains.

In 2014, the UK was a net importer, importing USD 684bn worth of merchandise trade vs. exports of USD 506bn. Clearly international trade touches all our businesses, yet it is a highly specialised area of which the financing and facilitation by international banks is not well understood.

While we do not claim to have detailed expertise in this area (a knowledgeable and experienced Trade specialist is worth their weight in gold), we hope that by providing a preliminary understanding of the terms and concepts, our clients are better able to communicate their needs and have a more informed discussion with their lenders and specialist product providers.

Read full article (pdf) – Financing International Trade